Lakota Every Day

Joseph Marshall III

(deep listening, information)

  1. What is “Assimilation”?
  2. What is the history of assimilation as associated with historic colonialism globally?
  3. How do Powwows promote “Native” identity?
  4. How do individuals live out their Native identity daily?
  5. How do Non-Native perceptions impact Native perceptions of self-identity today?
  6. How do Native perceptions of what it means to be Native impact other individuals within Native communities?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. Are there clothing, style choices or practices that you engage in to project your own particular identity to others? Are any of those choices connected with some particular group?
  2. Has your personal identity ever come into conflict with the broader group identity that you are a part of? If so, how did you resolve that conflict?
  3. Are there identities you take on at particular times or in particular places or events that you don’t necessarily practice elsewhere? What might be the problems created by that kind of compartmentalization?
  4. Have you ever felt judged based purely on appearance? How did you address that?
  5. Have you ever made a judgement based on initial appearance or limited information and then discovered you were wrong later? If so, how did that impact you? How did that impact those you may have judged?