Addressing OSEU 3

Cheryl Medearis

(deep listening, information)

  1. What are the numbers concerning Native American representation in highly visible professions like acting, music, pro sports, politics etc?
  2. Who is Fran Waln?
  3. How many young native students are learning traditional practices like flute or drum or traditional song and dance? What efforts are being made to increase these opportunities?
  4. Why have so many traditional practices been “lost” among the people of the Oceti Sakowin?

Learn FROM
(deep listening, information)

  1. What things in today’s popular media (TV, music, sports, etc) do you identify with? do they “reflect” your identity or “shape” it or both? In what ways?
  2. When you were a student (elementary, middle or high school years) what heroes or celebrities helped you shape your identity? Have those influences remained strong within you or have they changed?
  3. What songs, stories, dances, practices, etc have shaped your sense of cultural identity?
  4. Do you fall somewhere on a line from “traditional” to “assimilated” or in relation to the culture you grew up in? Where do you fall? How does that impact your interactions with others?